Office Phone: (515) 333-1985

Family Owned and Managed For Over 50 Years

Affordable Home Ownership


We have a new program available to ALL residents of the Western Acres community. In an effort to create a more inviting place to live, we are implementing a Beautification Bonus. This is a one-time offer per household to receive up to a $400.00 reimbursement for approved landscaping creating curb appeal.

5 Step Process:

  1. Complete the Beautification Form.
  2. Submit the Beautification Form to us for approval, *see details below.
  3. Once your plan is approved, complete the work on your proposed project.
  4. Turn in your receipts to Western Acres, *see details below.
  5. After reviewing both the completed beautification work and the receipts, we will mail you a check for up to $400.

Thanks for your participation and we look forward to seeing all of your beautifully creative projects!

Paul and Debbie
Property Managers, Western Acres
*The Beautification Form and receipts may be submitted through the form below, Emailed to, put into the Dropbox in the back of Goodhue Nolte Insurance (on the Casey’s side), or Mailed to Western Acres, P.O. Box 1000, Carlisle, IA 50047.


Beautification Form
* Required Field
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Please include a sketch of where you plan to plant.