Office Phone: (515) 333-1985
Family Owned and Managed For Over 50 Years
Affordable Home Ownership
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The undersigned person and or entity, in exchange for park management allowing their pet(s):
The following section is reserved for Grandfathered Animals only.
To stay in the park after (current date), does (and on behalf of all heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns) hereby agree to defend and indemnify the Community, their agents, heirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, damages or suits at law and equity of whatsovever kind, including, without limitation, medical expenses, loss of services, compensation, cost and any other expenses on account of or in any way related to or growing out of and all known or unknown damages allegedly cause by the above described animal or the undersigned’s ownership, care, control, and management of the above described animal. The udersigned aggress all the animals are now current and will be kept current on vaccinations and wear current rabies tags at all times.
The undersigned further agrees that the above described animal(s) shall remain in their control at all times. Such control specifically means that the dog will not be allowed outside of the home unless it is properly restrained by a leash or wholly enclosed and secure fence. The undersigned also agrees and acknowledges that should the above described animal engage in acts which are aggressive toward human beings or other animals, that they shall remove the dog from the park premises and not bring it back. Aggressive acts include but are not limited to biting a human or animal, trying to bite a human or animal, aggressively charging a human or animal, etc. Failure to comply sahll subject the tenant to immediate expulsion from the premises and termination of the lease by the landlord.
Tenants owning dogs weighing more than 30 pounds regardless of breed must provide proof of homeowner’s liability insurance with a limit of at least $100,000. Proof of insurance must be provided within 30 days.
No vicious breeds are allowed on the premises at any time, specifically to include but not limited to Rottweiler, Chow-Chow, Pit Bull, Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, German Shephard, Doberman Pinscher, Great Dane, Presa Canario, Akita, Alaskan Malamute, Siberian Husky, Bull Terrier, Dalmatian, Boxer, American Bulldog, Mastiff, Bandog, Boerboel, Dogo Argentina, Fila Brasillero, Tosa Inu, Wolf, Wolf-Hybrids, etc., or any mixed breed including one of these breeds in its lineage, and/or dogs with a history of aggression towards a human being or animal. In addition, no wild animals, including but not limited to pythons, boa constrictor, wild cats of any kind, wild dogs of any kinds including wolves or wolf hybrids, monkeys, or apes, or pigs, are allowed on the premises. No banned breed or type of animal is allowed to move into or visit the park.
Tenant shall be allowed to have Service Animals or Assistance Animals of any species or breed so long as they provide a letter or prescription from an appropriate professional within 1 week of bringing the animal into the Community. Service Animals as defined by the ADA and Assistance Animals as defined by the Fair Housing Act are not considered pets, but must still be registered with management and tenants must sign a Service Dog Letter. Tenants owning Service Animals or Assistance Animals are not required to obtain insurance. Service Animals and Assistance Animals must also be current on vaccinations and wear current rabies tags at all times. Any Service Animal or Assistance Animal which displays vicious behavior towards human beings or animals or poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others will be excluded from Wester Acres Mobile Home Park.